Book Review: The Hunting Party


This is the second Lucy Foley book that I have read.

To be honest, The Hunting Party is the same plot of The Guest List but with a different story. This time it is a remote resort in the Scottish Highlands, cut off from outside assistance thanks to a convenient snowstorm, and there’s a dead body…

A group of friends have gotten together for New Years as a tradition stemming back from their days at university. They are now in their 30s and beginning to realise that they don’t have much in common with each other anymore other than their past friendship. This doesn’t stop some of them from trying to create a jovial New Year’s party (and then getting upset because not everyone is having as much fun as they ought to be gosh darn it!)

Much like The Guest List the plot is non-linear, it jumps between the staff of the resort in the present day as they find the body, and then cuts back to the friend’s different points of view in the days leading up to New Years.

Again, I did not like the characters of the friends in this story, I would avoid them if I ever met real life counterparts at a party due to their personalities and antics. No sympathy for either the victim or the killer from me in this novel. Everyone was all just petty with their problems. I enjoyed the characters of the manager and the games keeper; I pity them for having to put up with the friend characters.  

All in all, I did prefer this novel compared to The Guest List, the victim was more of a surprise to me this time around. There was also a fun itsy bitsy little side plot regarding the owner of the resort and his business ventures.

I would recommend this novel to fans of murder mysteries and crime thrillers.

This is a review of a library book that I borrowed via Libby.


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