Book Review: Sing Down the Stars


Sing Down the Stars by Nerine Dorman is a wonderful novel. The more I read, the harder I found to put it down.

Nuri is a runner, working for a gang boss. One night after an eventful crime, she leaves to gather her thoughts not knowing that her life is about to be changed forever.

Called by a mysterious song, Nuri soon finds herself a candidate to become the Avatar of a being that can traverse space. However, becoming the Avatar is a lot more difficult than just answering the psychic call. The story follows Nuri as she navigates her new life preparing in the hope to be chosen, dealing with other candidates who also wish to become the Avatar, and avoiding the machinations of others who do not want to see a low born have the possibility to become the Avatar

The pace is strong and there is almost always something happening plot wise, not leaving any dull spots. The characters have their own opinions and are not cut and paste of one another. I absolutely fell in love with a side character called Raphel (and sincerely hope that if Nerine comes back to this world she has created, that she will include him again.) Sing Down the Stars leaves a few threads that can be capitalised on, if more books were to be added. The plot, however, is contained within the novel, and there is no worry of a cliff-hanger ending.

I would recommend this novel to those who enjoy YA stories with sci-fi fantasy elements. There is also a bit of action and drama thrown in as well.


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