Book Review: Hostile Takeover


Do you like mystery? Do you like mythology? Then you might just enjoy Hostile Takeover by Christelle Comby. This novel blends the two genres, along with a healthy dose of supernatural, into a detective story.

I did find it slow-going initially but found that the pace picked up further into the plot. This is the first novel of a series, and there is some backstory that is mentioned by never quite elaborated on for the protagonist Bellamy Vale that lends him an air of mystery on how he got caught up doing what he is doing. The plot is concluded nicely, not leaving any frustrating cliff-hangers, but also allows a follow-on string for possible future novels. It was an enjoyable read and I recommend it to those who like detective novels that take on a fantasy twist.

This novel was given free to me via NetGalley in exchange for an honest review.


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