Book Review: Snap


I read the first chapter of Snap by Belinda Bauer a year or so ago while I was preparing it for the library where I work, unfortunately I didn’t have the time then to read it, so I placed it out for circulation. However, that first chapter kept coming back to me, I had to find out what happened next. I finally borrowed it for myself so I could satisfy my curiosity.

Snap begins when the car that 11-year-old Jack is travelling in breaks down, in the car with him is his pregnant mother and his two younger sisters. The story is set back in the mid-90s, so cellular phones are not so commonplace and needing to get assistance for the car, Jack’s mother decides to walk to the nearest emergency phone by herself, leaving Jack in charge of his sisters. This decision leads to a life-changing moment for Jack and his family and drives the rest of the plot forward.

The story alternates between several different points-of-view, namely that of Jack, another pregnant woman called Catherine, and the police officers who are investigating a serial house burglar. Jack is determined to get justice for what happened to his mother, Catherine just wants to have a normal and happy life with her soon to be born baby, and the police are looking forward to recognition for catching the burglar. As the story moves forward, you begin to see how these characters are interlinked together.

I quite enjoyed this novel; the pacing was neither too slow nor too fast and I did stay up later than I should have while reading. The only gripe I have is the ending was a bit disappointing to me. I would have preferred a more conclusive ending rather than the open-ending one that we got. Especially as the pace picked up for the climax… and then it just fell flat for me.

I would recommend this book to those who enjoy crime and thriller novels.

This was a library book reviewed for fun.


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