Book Review - Mitchell: The Young Warrior

Mitchell: A Young Warrior by E.J. Bownds is a fantasy novel. Honestly, I did not enjoy this book. The plot is solid, but the story written was not. There was no feeling of surprise or anticipation, it felt like everything happening to Mitchell was too easy. Problems were dealt with too quickly with not enough tension building up. To me, it was too much of ‘hero needs to do this, oh no a problem, yay solution conveniently lands in hero’s lap, move on to the next objective’. It also felt like there were too many fantasy clichés bundled up with each of the characters introduced. If the novel was longer with more descriptive detail, it might not have felt so jarring while reading.
I would recommend this more to a middle school aged reader, rather than a young adult reader.

This E-ARC was provided to me via Netgalley in exchange for a honest review.


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