Book Review : Half the World

Half the World is the second book in the Shattered Sea trilogy by Joe Abercrombie. The first book, Half a King introduced the reader to Yarvi; a displaced prince who swore an oath to avenge his father’s murder. Yarvi is back again in Half the World , this time as the minister to King Uthil. As Father Yarvi, he has taken a step back from being the main character. The protagonists for Half the World are Thorn; a fiery teen girl who wishes to become a fierce warrior like her father was, and Brand; a teen boy just trying to do the right thing but unsure of how to go about it. Through a few misfortunes, the two of them find their plans for the future ruined and are left directionless. Thorn, in order to save her life, swears an oath to Yarvi and leaves to follow him on his mission to find more allies for King Uthil. Brand is soon swept up into Yarvi’s machinations as well. Half the World lives up to its title, showing the reader an expanded view of the...